How Daisy Keeps Her Teeth Sparkling White

How Daisy Keeps Her Teeth Sparkling White - Antler Chew

Keeping our furry friend's teeth clean and healthy is essential for their overall well-being. Daisy, our adorable dachshund, loves to chew on antler chews, which helps keep her teeth sparkling white. Here are a few key things to know about using antler chews for your dog's dental health.

Benefits of Antler Chews

  1. Natural Dental Care: Antler chews are a natural way to help clean your dog's teeth. The chewing action helps scrape away plaque and tartar build-up, promoting healthier gums and teeth.

  2. Long-lasting: Unlike many other chews, antler chews are incredibly durable and can last a long time, providing hours of chewing enjoyment for your dog.

  3. Rich in Nutrients: Antler chews are packed with essential nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, which are beneficial for your dog's overall health.

Choosing the Right Antler Chew

  1. Size Matters: Ensure you choose the right size of antler chew for your dog. It should be large enough that your dog can't swallow it whole, but not so large that they can't chew it comfortably.

  2. Type of Antler: There are different types of antlers available, including deer, Elk, and Fallow deer antlers. Each type varies in hardness, so choose one that matches your dog's chewing strength.

  3. Quality:  Natural, untreated antlers are the best choice.

Tips for Safe Chewing

  1. Supervision: Always supervise your dog while they are chewing on an antler to prevent any potential choking hazards or excessive wear on their teeth.

  2. Regular Inspection: Check the antler chew regularly for any sharp edges or cracks that could harm your dog's mouth. Replace the antler if it becomes too small or worn down.

  3. Hydration: Provide plenty of fresh water for your dog to drink while they are chewing on an antler to help keep them hydrated and aid in digestion.

Daisy's Routine

Daisy loves her antler chews! We incorporate them into her daily routine by giving her an antler chew after her meals. She enjoys settling down with her chew on her favourite woolly blanket, happily gnawing away while keeping her teeth clean. The natural, long-lasting nature of antler chews means we can trust them to keep Daisy's dental health in check without any artificial additives.


Antler chews are a fantastic, natural way to help maintain your dog's dental health. By choosing the right antler chew and following some simple safety tips, you can ensure your dog's teeth stay clean and healthy, just like Daisy's. Happy chewing!

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